HighLoad++ 2016 завершён. До встречи в 2017!

Профессиональная конференция разработчиков высоконагруженных систем

7 и 8 ноября
Конференция прошла в этом году уже в десятый раз и собрала 2500 участников. Мероприятие направлено на обмен знаниями о технологиях, позволяющих одновременно обслуживать многие тысячи и миллионы пользователей.

The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project: What lies ahead?
Производительность фронтенда

Доклад отклонён

Paul Bakaus is a Software Engineer at Google, heading up advocacy and outreach for DevTools, AMP and Games. He assists developers, designers, and filmmakers to create better, faster, more immersive and more convincing digital experiences. Prior to joining Google, he created the popular UI library jQuery UI now being used by over 14% of the popular web. Paul also created the Aves Engine,the world’s first prototype of a fully interactive HTML5 game engine - which he ultimately sold to Zynga.


On February 24, 2016 millions of web pages suddenly got 4 times faster. The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project scales the best practices collected by the web performance community to a wide range of content websites and combines it with content caching and embedding technology that enables instant rendering for web content. With 6 months of AMP being used by consumers and about a year after AMP was open sourced, we will look at lesson learned for performance optimization at web scale and at what lies ahead for the AMP project.

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