Building a robot with my daughter - the software part Интернет вещей (IoT)

Доклад отклонён
Henrik Ingo

Henrik Ingo – архитектор решений MongoDB, а сейчас ведущий инженер по производительности в Mongo DB. Специализируется на повышении производительности MongoDB и обеспечении высокой доступности, а иногда и на преобразовании XML-документов в JSON.
До MongoDB в течение многих лет работал в мире MySQL и LAMP с MySQL, MariaDB, Drizzle, Percona, WebScaleSQL, MySQL Cluster и Galera Cluster. Он также является контрибьютором в ядро Drupal 7.
Автор книги «Открытая жизнь: философия Open Source» (англ. "Open Life: The Philosophy of Open Source").

Henrik Ingo has worked 5 years at MongoDB. Initially as a Solutions Architect working with European customers, he's now in R&D on the performance team. Prior to MongoDB he was active - and an activist - in the MySQL space, and employed by MySQL (MySQL NDB Cluster team), MariaDB and Galera Cluster. Henrik is the author of the book "Open Life: The Philosophy of Open Source"


“Daddy, I want to build a robot. Do you know how to build a robot?” my daughter asked me. “Hmm.. Yes, actually I do know how to build a robot because I was taught Artificial Intelligence in school.” I’ll show how to easily build a speaking and seeing robot (software) using commercial cloud services.