Highload++ 2017 завершён!

Профессиональная конференция разработчиков высоконагруженных систем

СКОЛКОВО, Москва 7 и 8 ноября

11-я ежегодная конференция для разработчиков highload-систем, которая соберет   2 700 участников из разных регионов России и мира. Мероприятие направлено на обмен знаниями о технологиях, позволяющих одновременно обслуживать многие тысячи и миллионы пользователей.

Программа охватывает такие аспекты веб-разработок, как архитектуры крупных проектов, базы данных и системы хранения, системное администрирование, нагрузочное тестирование, эксплуатация крупных проектов и другие направления, связанные с высоконагруженными системами.

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Malicious CDNs, Evil Admins, and Third-Party Software
Архитектура и производительность фронтенда

Доклад отклонён

Armando Canals is a full-stack engineer and entrepreneur. He has done extensive front-end development work for some of the world’s most well-known brands, companies, and start-ups. Most recently for Apple, Inc. by re-architecting their retail web-applications to scale to a rapidly growing global user base. Today, he is one of the co-founders of the package management startup, packagecloud.io.


Many application developers rely on CDNs to serve assets used in day to day business. The reasons for using a CDN may vary, but the underlying fact is true: the developer doesn’t control the source of the file being served to the browser.

This means whoever controls the CDN, be it a malicious attacker, or evil administrator, controls the code that will be served to your users. Luckily, developers can now take advantage of a new specification called Subresource Integrity to mitigate such attacks.

In this talk, I will go over how subresource integrity works by explaining its purpose and the mechanism by which it verifies the files being served to browsers.

I will also go into why it matters for application developers by showing several attacks that effect anyone using a third-party JavaScript library or stylesheet.

To conclude, I’ll show how developers can use Subresource Integrity to prevent code hosted on a compromised CDN from ever reaching users. This will be done using a live example of a browser handling resources with the Integrity attribute.

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